148 research outputs found

    Etingof-Kazhdan quantization of Lie superbialgebras

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    For every semi-simple Lie algebra one can construct the Drinfeld-Jimbo algebra U. This algebra is a deformation Hopf algebra defined by generators and relations. To study the representation theory of U, Drinfeld used the KZ-equations to construct a quasi-Hopf algebra A. He proved that particular categories of modules over the algebras U and A are tensor equivalent. Analogous constructions of the algebras U and A exist in the case of Lie superalgebra of type A-G. However, Drinfeld's proof of the above equivalence of categories does not generalize to Lie superalgebras. In this paper, we will discuss an alternate proof for Lie superalgebras of type A-G. Our proof utilizes the Etingof-Kazhdan quantization of Lie (super)bialgebras. It should be mentioned that the above equivalence is very useful. For example, it has been used in knot theory to relate quantum group invariants and the Kontsevich integral.Comment: Minor corrections are fixed and Section 4 is simplified as called for by the referee. To appear in Advances in Mathematic

    On invariants of graphs related to quantum sl(2)\mathfrak{sl}(2) at roots of unity

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    We show how to define invariants of graphs related to quantum sl(2)\mathfrak{sl}(2) when the graph has more then one connected component and components are colored by blocks of representations with zero quantum dimensions

    Multivariable link invariants arising from sl(2|1) and the Alexander polynomial

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    In this paper we construct a multivariable link invariant arising from the quantum group associated to the special linear Lie superalgebra sl(2|1). The usual quantum group invariant of links associated to (generic) representations of sl(2|1) is trivial. However, we modify this construction and define a nontrivial link invariant. This new invariant can be thought of as a multivariable version of the Links-Gould invariant. We also show that after a variable reduction our invariant specializes to the Conway potential function, which is a version of the multivariable Alexander polynomial.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Several changes and a proof added. (see math.GT/0609034 for other Lie superalgebras

    Logarithmic Hennings invariants for restricted quantum sl(2)

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    We construct a Hennings type logarithmic invariant for restricted quantum sl(2)\mathfrak{sl}(2) at a 2p2\mathsf{p}-th root of unity. This quantum group UU is not braided, but factorizable. The invariant is defined for a pair: a 3-manifold MM and a colored link LL inside MM. The link LL is split into two parts colored by central elements and by trace classes, or elements in the 0th0^{\text{th}} Hochschild homology of UU, respectively. The two main ingredients of our construction are the universal invariant of a string link with values in tensor powers of UU, and the modified trace introduced by the third author with his collaborators and computed on tensor powers of the regular representation. Our invariant is a colored extension of the logarithmic invariant constructed by Jun Murakami